Apply your financial resources at an attractive negotiated rate
The term is negotiable.
Minimum opening amount: 500,000.00 MZN;
This term deposit does not allow renewal. At maturity, the principal amount will be credited in the current account.
This term deposit does not allow Top-up deposits.
Total or partial Early Withdrawal is allowed at any time during the period of the Term Deposit, subject to penalty of current month interest.
Interest will be paid at a time agreed in advance with the Customer upon capital incorporation or credited in the associated current account, under the terms mentioned in the “Interest System”.
The Gross Annual Nominal Rate (TANB) is negotiated in advance and remains fixed for the term deposit.

Branch: You can visit your nearest Millennium bim branch
Private Customers, holders of current account accounts in MZM, USD, EUR or ZAR at Millennium bim.