
Branch: You can visit your nearest Millennium bim branch


Internet Banking:

  • Access Internet Banking:
  • Select the Current Account;
  • Indicate the amount;
  • Define the Interest System.
  • Click “Create” and confirm your application.


Millennium bim Private Customers, Holders of Current Accounts in MZN;
Fixed interest rate depending on the amount/grade
For details, please refer to the STANDARD INFORMATION SHEET:
Guarantee of full amount deposited at maturity or in case of Early Withdrawal.

Interest Rate: Gross Annual Nominal Interest Rate fixed and in accordance with the following capitalization scales and with total interest penalty for the current month.
Tax regime: Income from Deposits is subject to tax withholding of stamp duty at a rate of 10% (IRPS code Law No. 33/2007 dated 31 of December).
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